
Through natural processes, but more importantly, as a result of logging, tree stumps are continually washed into rivers and find their way to the ocean where they begin a long process of weathering and decay. The shoreline of the area has become littered with driftwood that is continually washed up and down the coast as it is re-floated and relocated by storms and tides, often becoming a hazard to local fishing and pleasure boats. During the relentless process of wind, waves and sun, the wood takes on an almost unearthly appearance as it dries and splits and is turned silver by the sun.

The remains are a natural material that has a rugged beauty. Each driftwood piece tells a story of it’s journey. Hundreds of years of growing tall and broad in an unique environment. Of it’s time in the rivers and oceans. It’s exposure to the extreme climate of Canada’s north west coastline where it is shaped as it defies nature’s elements and now of it’s new path to a new continent where it can again be viewed with wonder and appreciation by a people that rarely see such huge and dramatic examples of our planets rain forests.

Only the most elegant and uniquely shaped pieces of Douglas Fir, Pinewood and Yellow or Red Cedar have been chosen. They may be used for interior or exterior statements, as the purest form of sculpture, or modified for architectural feature. All pieces have been approved by The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture for import which involves working alongside Canadian environment officials at source. We are the first and only importer of Canadian Pacific Wildwood to Europe (presently all other imports of driftwood come from Asia).